Responsible for the Automation of the Laboratory Flow

Frédéric Minner


Who I am?

I am a biologist, specialised in molecular and cellular biology. It is certainly the discovery of genetics and virology during my university courses, which oriented my professional choices afterwards. I have contributed to research projects on hepatitis C, herpesviruses and papillomaviruses. Studying these viruses also means understanding their action on organisms and sometimes their silent responsibility in the origin of cancers. This expertise naturally led me to become an assistant in cytology, histology and molecular biology research techniques at various medical universities in Belgium and Morocco. In 2020, the priority in public health turned to the fight against Covid-19. I joined an extraordinary team of professors, researchers and technicians. This team was anxious to urgently create a PCR analysis platform to combat the spread of the disease. Responsible for the security of samples and the management of sample flows within the Covid platform, I would now like to put these professional skills at the service of BabyDetect.

Why do I want to participate in Baby Detect?

Anticipating for the benefit of the quality of life.

Medicine is at the service of the patient as soon as symptoms appear, but isn’t the best medicine the one that can avoid the appearance of diseases? What I like about the BabyDetect project is that it fits into this concept of preventive medicine.

As far as possible, BabyDetect is a great opportunity to prevent the onset of harmful symptoms in young children. In this way, genetics is no longer confined to the somewhat abstract service of science… but becomes a great tool for the benefit of the quality of life of the newborn child and its family. If my skills can contribute to avoiding the worsening of the health of children with a rare mutation, what better meaning can I bring to my professional life?